

-keep yourself distracted. if you always have something to do, you wont even think about food.
-drink plenty of water. dehydration is serious. always have a water bottle with you.
-take vitamins to avoid brittle nails and hair.
-get plenty of sleep.
-caffeine is now your new best friend. not only does it suppress your appetite, but it also acts as a diuretic.
-protein is important for hearts health.
 -find your binge triggers and avoid them at all costs. throw them away.
-if you are craving chocolate, try low calorie/no sugar added hot chocolate.
-associate certain foods with certain things you don't like. if you think it enough, you will start to believe it. (ex. i don't eat rice because i believe it looks like maggots.)
-make a "thinspo journal" and look at it every time you are tempted to eat.
-eat in front of a mirror and watch the fat increase on your body.
-carry around a thinspo picture or put one in your phone, so you will always have something to remind you not to eat.
-wear a red bracelet so you always can look at it as a reminder.
-wear an elastic band on your wrist and snap it every time you want something to eat. associate hunger with pain.
-buy your jeans a size too small, so they will always be tight and reminding you of how fat you really are.
-buy a pair of pants two sizes too small and tack them to your closet door as a constant reminder of how you want to be able to fit into those pants.
-CLEAN. not only does it burn calories, but it also makes you feel dirty and gross so you wont want to eat.
-when you are having a craving turn on your favorite song and sing and dance around the house until you forget about it.
-avoid smelling foods you crave.
-find a hobby. dance, gymnastics, something that will burn calories and keep you out of the house and away from the kitchen.
-always remember no one can MAKE you eat. don't let them fool you.
-when you're sitting on the computer, sit on an exercise ball instead of a chair to work your abs.
-NEVER stop moving. fidget and burn calories.
-sitting up straight burns more calories than slouching. watch your posture.
-avoid family dinners. go to a friends house, dance/gymnastic class, horseback riding lesson. whatever you want to do to avoid being home during dinner.
-"eat" your dinner in your room because you have "too" much homework. have plastic baggies hidden in your room to store food in and later throw away.
-leave plates in the sink so people think you're eating.
-when you do eat, MAKE SURE someone always sees you doing so. that way they think you are eating more than you are and will not question you.
-and last but not least, be creative! "i'm sick" can only work for so long.